Coach For ExecutivesBusiness Coaching for Lawyers, CPA's, and Executives


Benefits of Coaching for Lawyers, Accountants and Business Executives

Time is precious. Using it more effectively means greater success in your business or practice. Everything becomes easier, from managing employees to bringing in new clients. Getting the right things done is much more important than getting a lot of things done.

What coaching can help you accomplish

With coaching, you’ll find ways to increase your income. You’ll become a strategic planner of your life, and make your plans happen.

You’ll set and reach more satisfying goals after deciding on a plan of action, and achieve things that you value, instead of things that have little meaning to you.

You’ll get more organized in your life and your business, increase your marketing efficiency, and create a healthier balance between your personal and professional life.

You’ll focus on your needs, values, and vision so you can enjoy your life.

How my coaching works

If you hire me as your executive coach, here’s what you can expect.

  1. We take inventory of your issues at hand.
  2. We establish your values and how what your are trying to do relates to your values.
  3. Then, once we establish the importance of this, we brainstorm possible steps that will help you achieve what you want.
  4. Once you’ve determined what you want to do, and that it makes sense, I hold you accountable for getting steps done before the next session.
  5. We then find out the next step that needs to be done and you set out to do that. If you don’t get steps done, we find out what happened and course correct if necessary.
  6. At the same time, we make sure that your life is balanced, and if it is not, we make goals and tasks towards getting you in balance so you can enjoy life and be even better at your work.

I invite you to call or email me if you think coaching might help you.